Greenfield Scandia — monthly Swedish dancing at the Guiding Star Grange
2025 dates and dance-of-the-month
We're offering a series of dance workshops that introduce accessible dances to build useful skills. These dance names will probably look less familiar to you than hambo or schottis, but we can promise entertainment and pretty music. Come try them out! The open dancing after the break will still have lots of your familiar favorites. Click on a dance name to see a video of the dance.
Saturday, January 18 — polska från Åmot
Saturday, February 8 — polska med bakmes från Kall
(no Greenfield dance in March — join us in Fitchburg on March 22)
Saturday, April 19 — Åtabakspolska från Föllinge
Saturday, May 24 — (TBD)
Series description
Join us for a Swedish dance workshop and/or open dancing, enjoy yummy snacks. Learn new skills, then enjoy old favorites — polska, schottis, hambo, waltz, and more. All are welcome.
Music by lydia ievins on fiddle and nyckelharpa, dance teaching by Tom Roby and Laura Stern. We'll begin with a workshop where you can build your skills with the dance of the month. All levels of experience are welcome; no partner necessary. Low-heeled leather-soled shoes are best for our turning dances.
1:30–2:30 Dance workshop with Tom Roby and (usually) Laura Stern
2:30–3:00 Fika (break for potluck snacks)
3:00–4:30 Open dancing
Location: Guiding Star Grange, Greenfield MA
Cost: $20 (sliding scale to $12)
More info: lydia ievins
Past teaching
Click on a dance name to see a video of the dance.
Photo gallery
